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10 Zine

10 Zine

Sick Love

58 pages, 10 ZINE centres itself around the London based creatives and activists we believe are set to make progressive change in their fields over the next 10 years. To mark Sick Love’s 1-year anniversary, we wanted to create a print issue that embodied our ethos, aiming to champion young creatives whilst reflecting on the issues that affect many in the community. Photographed by Aria Shahrokhshahi, the zine features:

Ellie Pennick (founder of Guts Gallery), Lucia Blayke (founder of Trans+ Pride and Harpies), Bee Illustrates Rukiat, Foundation FM, Seren Metcalfe (founder of the Working Class Creatives Database), Teaday Blogs (founder of Re-Educate), Queer House Party, 4 BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE, Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin (Politics Editor at BRICKS Magazine and trustee for Voices4 London), 10 ZINE also includes artworks by George William Vicary and Beth Nicol.


58 pages, 145 x 210 mm


Regular price £9.00
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