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Perambulation Nº19 - Maze Hill To Deptford, South London

Perambulation Nº19 - Maze Hill To Deptford, South London

Stefi Orazi

Starting at Maze Hill station and looping around Greenwich Park to Deptford Bridge, this walk covers parts of Blackheath and Greenwich. It includes a variety of Modernist houses—from 1930s homes, to leafy lanes of post-war Individual houses and to housing schemes for both private developers and the borough council.

The guide comprises a map and a detailed route.


8 pages (including cover)
256 ✕ 120 mm
Printed on 150gsm FSC certified paper
Printed litho in 2 colours using plant-based inks

Illustration: Jay Cover

Regular price £5.50
Regular price Sale price £5.50
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Tax included.
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